Book Art
Schoen’s focus on structure and pattern is present in her book art, which relies on materiality and construction to externalize the interior. Schoen worked exclusively in artist books from 2010-2014.
Altered Latitudes Mixed Media Dosi-Do, Coptic Binding 2012
Grimms Fairy Tales Altered Book 2012 NFS
One Hundred Years of Solitude Altered Book 2012 NFS
Repurposed Mixed Media, Coptic Binding 2012
The Wall Jumpers, 1/4 Prom by Greg Harris Wood & Paper, Caterpillar Binding 2012
Metamorphosis (Interior) Mixed Media, Altered Book 2012
Original Copy, (Interior) 1/4 Xeroxed Flip Book Japanese Stab Stitch Binding 2012
Original Copy, (Exterior) 1/4 Xeroxed Flip Book Japanese Stab Stitch Binding 2012
The Gambler Mixed Media 2013
2098 Days Handmade Paper, Coptic Binding 2012 NFS
2098 Days (Binding View) Handmade Paper, Coptic Binding 2012 NFS
Ode to an Onion Onion Dyed Handmade Paper,Coptic Binding 2012 Illustrated Poem: Ode to an Onion by Pablo Nueruda.
Metamorphosis (Exterior) Mixed Media, Altered Book 2012